Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Democracy - Essay Essay Example for Free

Democracy Essay Essay Introduction Democracy, it is generally believed, had its roots in Ancient Athens. We know it spread its stems to most of Europe and later to parts of Asia by mid 19th century , mostly in the form of parliamentary democracy. But in the context of this paper,we are not interested in the histrocity of the idea or concept of democracy, but in the idea itself. That is to say we want to analyze the meaning of democracy and its different forms, study its efficiency (so to say), ponder over its limitations and compare it to other forms of government. Whether democracy was conceived of in Athens, Sparta or India is not a topic of interest in this paper (although there may be references to historical events in the evolution of the idea when pertinent). What does democracy mean? Democracy comes from the greek â€Å"rule of the people†. But as I searched for a definition of democracy in the course of research for this paper, a consistent defintion of it seemed to elude me. So we must examine some of these definitions and try to find a core to the idea of democracy, if there exists one. Bunch of different ideas and quotes are out thr on internet put about 4-5 of them here and discuss if them from a current or historical perspective..ive written down one for u: â€Å"The right to dissent without repercussions to ones personal well-being is the core value of Democracyâ€Å" * Nathan Sharansky Discuss quotes such as this to evaluate how these ideas are implemented in practice.. All this should take up about 500 words..  The only core value seems to be people get to elect their much of the peoples rights are respected after that greatly varies.. Forms of democracy Representative..constitutes parliamentary and liberal(most democracies are  these) Constitutional Direct Socialist Totalitarian ..discuss all thseabout 300 words.. A critique of democacy An illusion There was no stone-pelting, nothing.There was no curfew They fired indiscriminately. ( The above was said by Abdul Rashid, a Kashmiri youth whose friend was gunned down by Indian army officials for holding a peaceful, nonviolent, anti-government rally in the summer of 2010. But this was not an anomoly in the process of democracy in India. Kashmir still remains the most militarized zone in the world with about a half a million troops on active duty (for the sake of comparison, the United States had about 165,000 troops in Iraq at its peak)(i read these figures on dont remember the exact link ). How is that a government for the people is killing its own citizens for holding a nonviolent demonstration? How is such a huge militarization of a province in a democracy justified? Even a basic understanding of the ideas of freedom and liberty that democracy ent ails shows how abhorrent these actions are. But these things happen, not just in India, but in other developed counties like the United States (Japanese americans in 1942), where the rights of their citizens are violated just when they would want to exercise them. So one must ask, are democracies really for the people? A study of history of goverment brutality in countries like India and the United States seem to suggest otherwise. The almost forceful takeaway of land by the Indian goverment in eastern India from farmers (actions which directly led to the Naxalite-Maoist insurgency, something the current prime minister of India called the single biggest internal security challenge ever faced by our country.(, seem to suggest otherwise. The locking up of Japanese Americans in internment camps in 1942 by Franklin Roosevelt and the Unites States government seem to suggest otherwise. The indiscriminate shooting of  unarmed, nonviolent Kashmiri youths (some as young as 9 years old)shouting â€Å"azadi!azadi!†(â€Å"freedom!freedom!†) by Indian security officials seem to suggest otherwise. One gets the idea. So maybe people like Vilfredo Pareto and Gaetano Mosca are correct after all. The masses are always characterized by apathy and division, the powers to be by drive and unity (Femia, Joseph V. Against the Masses, Oxford 2001). Maybe all democracy does is shift the power scale, from domination by a despotic leader to manipulation by a democratic government. Maybe the people don’t really have much of a say after all. Maybe it’s just an illusion. Majority rule Majority always gets its way..discuss gay rights..civil rights in us..womens rights historically..religious parties like shiv sena in Mumbai..rising intolerance of secularism in india..majority rule can get tyrannical and the minority issues ignored when people get to decide resolutions to minority issues. The irrational voter â€Å"The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter.† – Winston Churchill Talk about how the common man is largely ignorant about serious issues and hence can vote against his/her interests..u can greatly discuss the recent midterms in us to make this pointbasically ur sayin if we must solve economic issues we talk to economist..if we must solve environmental issues we talk to climate scientists..if we are talking abt what to teach in science class we take the consensus of scientist not what the common people of the state think (talk abt teaching creationism in schools..a lot of states in us have majority of it people wanting creationism be taught as science even though almost no scientist believe it to be science)not everything should be up for a vote.. Economically Ur a better person to write abt this Idealistic Show how its hard to apply democratic principles in practicecorrupt officials..apathetic citizens..uprisings etc.. Instable Frequent elections make the government instableshitload of examples on the internet abt this.. Best we have? â€Å"It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried.†- Winston Churchill Compare democracy to other forms of governments like dictatorships, communist states, anarchist, socialist,etc..define and discuss each with respect to western liberal democracy..ive done some of it for anarchist Anarchist Anarchists are those who advocate the absence of the state, arguing that common sense would allow people to come together in agreement to form a functional society allowing for the participants to freely develop their own sense of morality, ethics or principled behaviour. (from wikipedia). One such current society is Somalia, and it would not be hyperbole to suggest they are not doing very well. The lack of a state and police have led to nationwide lawlessness, violence and spiralled the country into utter chaos. I think Somalia really characterizes the severe consequences of not having a state and is not a direction one would want their country to go in. Giving people all the power has resulted in the most powerful and the most brutal of them to take power and the rest of people losing all freedom(ironically).

Monday, January 20, 2020

Type II Diabetes :: Health, Diseases

Introduction Type II diabetes is a heterogeneous syndrome results from the progressive defects of impairment of ß- cell insulin secretion and insulin resistant of the target tissues. It also increases due to the rising rate of obesity which involves the deficiency of insulin to compensate for insulin resistance by increasing insulin secretion [1]. However it is increasingly clear that reductions in insulin sensitivity and ß- cell functions leads to the rise of type II diabetes [2]. The normal pancreatic ß- cells displaying the remarkable response to nutrients and obesity – associated insulin resistance by the hyper secretion of insulin to maintain fuel homeostasis. But the cellular resistance unable to sustain the ß– cells compensatory response in type II diabetes [3]. Although the cause of the metabolic deterioration is unknown, but several hypothesis have been proposed including mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, ER stress, and gluco-lip otoxicity [4, 5]. Recent studies with intensive investigations suggesting that elevated glucose along with circulating free fatty acids distributed especially from the intra abdominal fat are the major culprits of insulin resistance and beta cell dysfunction [6, 7]. But the underlying molecular and cellular mechanisms of gluco-lipotoxicity contribute to ß- cell dysfunction and loss in type II diabetes remains debated. A recent observation from experimental, clinical and genetic evidence suggests endoplasmic reticulum was responsible for molecular mechanism of gluco-lipotoxicity which may contribute to ß - cell dysfunction in type II diabetes [8, 9]. In this review, we discussed about the involvement of ER in gluco-lipotoxicity induced ß- cell dysfunction along with the brief involvement of mitochondria. ER stress response Adaptation to metabolic changes requires the high regulation and co-ordination of many homeostatic systems, since the quality and quantity of available nutrients does not temporally match their needs. Pancreatic ß - cells displaying remarkable response to nutrients by the balance between the anabolic hormone insulin and the catabolic hormone glucagon in order to maintain fuel homeostasis. For an appropriate response, the cells require the development of suitable sensors and signaling molecules, which integrates all these signals into an appropriate insulin secretory rate in order to maintain homeostasis.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Forensic Accounting Essay

What types of systems are needed to ensure that all individuals have access to the benefits of our community as well to bring health and effectiveness to an organization or the broader community? There are two systems of process that ensure all individuals have access to the benefits of our community. The first is due process which is the ability of getting noticed and participating in the decisions that affect an individual (Baird, 2011). The second is substantive process which makes sure people know and understand the rules (Baird, 2011). How do we ensure fair treatment, fair administration of rules, fair compensation, fair blame, and ensure due process to allow all opinions to be heard? We can make ethical decisions by creating fair systems for resolution of disputes and policies that state expectations (Baird,2011). We should care for all members and institutions of the community when allocating resources (Baird, 2011). We should give to each member of the community knowing they are a part of the happiness of the entire community. How might the Relationship Lens be misused through abuse of power or personal hubris? Having an excessive pride and arrogance can move us from unintentional ethical wrong doing to intentional wrong doing (Baird, 2011). Cite a recent example in the news. I have an example of hubris in my work place that I will share. Our current CEO has chosen to take his annual bonus when he made the decision to freeze raises and increase the employee cost of health insurance. He does not pay the premiums of his health insurance policy but raised the cost for all employees. He purchased a very expensive piece of equipment costing over $2.5 million in 2011 causing an operating loss for the year. This equipment holds a great deal of prestige for him in the healthcare industry. I have been very disappointed that he has made the decisions he has made with total disregard for all other employees affected. His excessive pride and arrogance has caused him to intentionally act unethically. What types of systems are needed to ensure that all individuals have access to the benefits of our community as well to bring health and effectiveness to an organization or the broader community? Bella and Frederick both use the concept of moral ecology to callus to greater responsibility for the community.Frederick also reminds us that companies and corporations and communities at large have responsibilities toward life – conserving values such fairness, unselfishness,and restraint, that both create and sustain human collective life. Judeo-Christian tradition calls us to responsibility for others. Due process is used to achieve our goals, assuring that those without access to power have equal opportunity to thrive. How might the Relationship Lens be misused through abuse of power or personal hubris? Cite a recent example in the news. (If you don’t know the meaning of hubris, look it up and include its definition as you answer this question.) As Timothy Clark noted, â€Å"The ambition to govern one’s fellow beings tend to view leadership as the pathway to glittering world of personal reward. Another risk that we run as we work is to become authoritarian and paternalistic. Another bias to watch is entrainment,where we are so cut up in work that we forget to ask important key questions. Hubris, excessive pride and arrogance,moves us from unintentional ethical wrongdoing to intentional wrongdoing. Biggest example I can recall is resent war in Iraq,President Bush and VP Chaney failed to show responsibilities as an ethical decision makers. How do you know when you are improperly using your personal power?How do you know when your life is out of balance? How do you bring it back into balance? The focus of the Relationship Lens is always fundamental fairness. Lens is inviting us to live a life in relationship with others in community. If decision maker is not balancing the personal need of individual to community needs, if he or she not subordinates own rights to that of the group. After making the decision one must ask himself questions, analyze decision through different ethic lenses. What improvements could we make on our process of ethical analysis? Did we like the results? What were the problems with the process? What decision we are not comfortable with? As we reflect on the results,we can put strategic for the future and became more ethical in our decisions in other words more ethically mature. We also can improve and bring our self to balanced ethical ground. a. The systems I believe that are needed to ensure access to benefits in our community are education, health, and judicial. An education system is important to help equip individuals with necessary skills that will help them to earn a living and contribute to the well being of their society. A health care system will help to maintain a healthy community by addressing all health needs. Having a judicial system will ensure that justice is dispensed and that fairness and adherence of the laws are followed. b. A Democratic System of Government which is guided by the Constitution can assure fair treatment, fair administration of rules, fair compensation, fair blame, and ensure due process to allow all opinions to be heard. The Constitution is used as a guide by Government to craft legislation, laws and regulations to ensure that there is fairness and justice in society. d. We may know that we are improperly using our personal power when for example we are in a position of leadership or power and use our office to influence others to do things our way. We may realize that our life is out of balance when we become depressed, suicidal, suffer from addition and is easily enraged. We can to my mind bring our life back into balance by doing introspection, and accepting responsibility. What types of systems are needed to ensure that all individuals have access to the benefits of our community as well to bring health and effectiveness to an organization or the broader community. There are several systems that are design to allow access to benefits. These include laws that are used to identify and support individuals who would require such services. If a medical provider or a school employee notices something that might be child abuse or elder abuse, they are required by law to report it. By reporting a possible incident a wide net of services are employed to investigate and perhaps implement services needed by the individual. Laws are also passed to describe who gets and what benefits are available to an individual. Social agencies, organizations and religious groups are often used to educate, locate and provide for the individuals in need. The media in various forms is often used to promote changes or additions to the benefits. A well educated community is the best weapon in the organizations arsenal. How do we ensure fair treatment, fair administration of rules, fair compensation, fair blame and ensure due process to allow all opinions to be heard? It is sometimes very difficult to ensure all of the fairness listed above in the heat of the moment. In order to do so one must step back and remove oneself from the heat of the event. When emotions become to involved it is difficult to implement fairness. This can be seen when the media appears to â€Å"convict† someone before they are arrested and tried. Laws have been passed to help identify areas that should be address fairly and these include race, age, disability ,and religion. Legislation has also determined a federal minimal wage and passed laws dealing with equal pay for equal work. Labor Unions often campaign for certain employment benefits for its members. The knowledge that a business’s could be sued for unfairness or prejudice is another protection. Businesses often have a policy Manuel that addresses how they will deal with certain issues. Knowledge of an individuals rights and duties written down gives all sides the knowledge of what is considered right and wrong in that group. . How do you know when you are improperly using your personal power? How do you know when your life is out of balance? How do you bring it back into balance? Self analysis and appraisal is required to obtain this knowledge. Every once in a while one must ask oneself if one is following the right path. Listening to others is a good way to identify if one is improperly using ones power. It doesn’t mean they are always correct but it may point your self reflection in the right direction. Checking ones ethical compass is another. I know when my life is out of balance when I can not be everywhere at once. Work stresses, problems and information should stay there. Family and personal business should not interfere with work or school. When I find myself spending time from one part of my life dealing with another part of my life then I am our of balance. Again one must step back and access what is going on and figure out if it is going to be temporary or long term. One can then figure out a course of action and decide what is needed. Being brave enough to ask for help if needed.   Superwoman is an concept promoted by the media that does exist, rather one needs to make sure one is not overwhelmed. In addition if it is a major project or event sometimes if I break it into pieces it is easier to digest and equilibrium returns. What types of systems are needed to ensure that all individuals have access to the benefits of our community as well to bring health and effectiveness to an organization or the broader community? The types of systems that are need to that all individuals have access to the benefits of our community as well to bring health and effectiveness to an organization or a broader community would be systems such electricity which allows everyone to have access to light, television for allowing the world to come into your place of living, and also the telephone systems that allows individuals to communicate with the world through voice. 2. How do we ensure fair treatment, fair administration of rules, fair compensation, fair blame and ensure due process to allow all opinions to be heard? We ensure fair treatment , fair administration of rules, fair compensation, fair blame and ensure due process to allow all opinions to be heard by establishment organizations such as the Equal Employment opportunity commission(EEOC) for fair treatment. Fair administration of rules would include organizations such as the Federal Trade Commission(FTC) and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration(FMSCA)Fair compensation organizations would include the Department of Labor(DOL). Fair blame and due process would be the Justice system. 3. How do you know when you are improperly using your personal power? How do you know when your life is out of balance? How do you bring it back into balance. Where in truth good choices are not made. Also power is abused, it can result from an imbalance of information education or financial resources, than the other party may not be able to freely choose what I wants to do. When power is out of balance, we often are using the persons as a means to our preferred ends rather than treating the person as an end, a human being with a autonomy and choices in how to live his life. To bring power back into balance is to establish a connection with your inner spirit and knowing the right thing to.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

The Manipulation of the Roman Masses by the Roman...

â€Å"†¦Was this ambition? Yet Brutus says he was ambitious; and sure he is an honorable man. But were I Brutus, and Brutus Antony, there were an Antony would ruffle up your spirits, and put a tongue in every wound of Caesar that should move the stones of Rome to rise and mutiny†¦ †¦ Here was a Caesar! When comes such another,† addressed wise Marc Antony to the manipulated Roman citizens. (Foote and Perkins, 678 –683). During 509 BC to AD 27, Rome was a republic where its citizens elected leaders by voting for senators (people from upper class or patricians). On the other hand an emperor had total power or dictatorship since he controlled the Roman society (different groups of people from the wealthiest to the most poor). As the Roman society was†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"†¦If we have done you wrong, as you say our husbands have, proscribe us as you do them. But if we women have not voted any of you public enemies, have not torn down your houses, destroyed your army, or led another one against you; if we have not hindered you in obtaining offices and honours, why do we share the penalty when we did not share the guilt? †¦Why should we pay taxes when we have no part in the honours, the commands, the statecraft, for which you contend against each other with such harmful results? †¦But for civil wars may we never contribute, nor ever assist you against each other! We did not contribute to Caesar or to Pompey. Neither Marius nor Cinna imposed taxes on us. Nor did Sulla, whereas you say that you are re-establishing the commonwealth,† protested Hortensia. (Frazee, 117). This uprising indicates how upper-class women revolted against some decisions made by the politicians, which they disagreed with. The women had penalties imposed on them and they also had to pay higher taxes when there was a struggle to seize power between the triumvirs. During this time, the generals of Rome could not be controlled by the Republic’s government, which ran by the Senate and the consuls. The women did not gain their rights and the triumvirs did not acknowledge the voices of these women. The triumvirs were outraged by the fact that women should dare to hold a public meeting when other menShow MoreRelatedThe Accounting Profession and Nat39077 Words   |  157 Pagesshareholders, creditors and other financial lenders) are the providers of these finances. Their inte rests and beliefs in the activities of the companies are required to make them invest. A recent share investments survey in Lagos and Abuja, involving 100 respondents covering investors and prospective investors (60 and 40 respondents respectively), revealed that 70 percent of the investors place heavy reliance on the integrity of a company s auditor before investing in that company. 80 percent of theRead MoreStrategic Marketing Management337596 Words   |  1351 Pagesfor the copyright holder’s written permission to reproduce any part of this publication should be addressed to the publisher Permissions may be sought directly from Elsevier’s Science Technology Rights Department in Oxford, UK: phone: ( 44) 1865 843830, fax: ( 44) 1865 853333, e-mail: You may also complete your request on-line via the Elsevier homepage (, by selecting ‘Customer Support’ and then ‘Obtaining Permissions’ British Lib rary Cataloguing in PublicationRead MoreOrganisational Theory230255 Words   |  922 Pagesorganization theory: symbols, meanings and interpretations Reflexive organization theory: critical theory and psychoanalysis The evolution of management as reflected through the lens of modernist organization theory Perspectives and challenges 2 54 100 148 198 242 282 330 382 432 . . Contents Preface List of figures List of tables Acknowledgements xiii xvii xix xx Chapter 1 Introducing organization theory: what is it, and why does it matter? Introduction What is organization